Monday, February 8, 2010

my favorite smell

Newest topic up for discussion....What is your favorite smell?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gifted Opportunities

For those of you who are Kansas University fans...there is two gifted scholars weekends in Lawrence, that are offered by DUKE university, which is a leader in gifted and talented education. If this floats your boat then check out the following link.

Note scholarship are available

It is a great day to be a BUFFALO

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

EDIT to previous post

I need to add something to my last entry

4. Facebook. I am addicted. I look at it on my phone, at home, sometimes I am on both at the same time. I have a hard time going a couple of hours without it...when I think about not logging on for a day it brings tears to my eyes. I might need rehab, no I am sure I need help. What was the world before the phenom of FB?


SO whats your favorite hobby, or hobbies.

My turn to answer the question. In my spare time these are the things that I find myself gravitating towards. sad but true story

1. Trash Television. Oh how I love my MTV. Now I am a child of the 80's and I think that this justifies that I love MTV. I can remember as a child my mother fretting that I was watching such "trash". Ouch it hurts calling my precious television station "trash" from this point on I am going to refer to it as "priceless" entertainment. Anyway back to my story. As soon as my mom would come into the room I would change the tv to something that had more educational value, like TLC, which still is another one of my fav channels. But somehow being the 7 year old, I was not always able to hit the previous channel button quickly, so more times than not a lecture was given to me about watching my priceless entertainment. Being a mother I can understand why my mom would not want me to watch some of the topics that are on MTV, but I can not tell a lie Sophia loves my priceless entertainment, and we both can be found watching it on the weekends, To this day I most of the time fall asleep watching teen mom, the hills, or my most favorite real world. Heck if real world is in it 29th season they must be doing something right. Other tv stations probably need to take a lesson...MTV=hours if not days of entertainment. Fist pump to that.

2. Traveling. You can find me somewhere other than good ole Scott City on most weekends. Anytime or all-the-time I am trying to find somewhere to favorite place to visit that is somewhat local is the land of manhappiness or STL. Other than the local hot spots I love the beach and traveling in general. Including the packing and anticipation of the journey to somewhere. It is something that I look forward to and this help me deal with the loneliness that I feel living so far away from my friends and family.

3. I know I sound like a nerd, but I do love to do school as a hobby. Not teaching but being the student. I am almost done with my masters in school counseling and have started a second masters in special education. I never thought that I would be one to enjoy school, but over the years I have learn that education is investing in myself...and this is something that nobody can ever take away. Okay I will step down from my soap box and enter back into the world of gifted education.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today I feel like I am running in circles

Ever have those days when you feel like everything is in crisis? Well today is one of those days. Every corner I turn something else awaits me that needs to be deal with right now...see teachers are not invincible...

You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.

On that note...

It is a great day to be a BUFFALO

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dream Vacation

Second post of the day...

This one is from Ulises. What is your dream vacation? Please post and give details of that special place you are dreaming of visiting.

I am still looking for ideas of the next post you have any? What are you wanting to know about everyone that follows your blog. Post a comment and let me know.

It is a great day to be a BUFFALO

Best Memory

Alright class this is a topic from yours truly...Brynna

What is your favorite memory thus far in your life?

I will need to put some thought into this one. Let me see in my 26 almost 27 years I have a couple of phenomenal memories that stick out in my life.

First would have to be graduating from K-State. I know that it may sound cliche but it is truly one of the best memories I have. Not only was it a great accomplishment, but I will never forget the feeling of walking across the stage to get my well deserve diploma. When I think back to my high school years, it is hard for me to remember ever putting a ton of thought behind choosing a college. It was just expected that students from, Dominic, were going to school. Most kids were planning on staying in state, and of course I wanted to be different and prove my guidance counselors wrong, so I choose KSU. To set the record straight my choice of college was not based on the color of the school. It was because it was someplace different, that brought promise of making me someone that can face adversity and come out on top. Being a college graduate has opened many doors in my life and graduation in itself was both the closing of one chapter and the opening to many new chapters. Kansas State changed me and gave me challenges and opportunities that I will cherish and look back fondly upon. Lets be honest, KSU is now in my blood and I will bleed purple forever...and yes that means my children have no hope at all. Both parents are KSU alumni...meaning they are going to only have one option for school. KSU through and through.

The second memory that I consider to be one of the "best" is the memory of Christmas morning. I love the anticipation of giving and getting presents. The months of thought that goes behind planning and preparing for the day. The traditions that are followed along with the time that is spent with "dear" family members. I remember Christmas as a time as something that was comfortable, and I always knew what to expect. I like routines and enjoy doing the same thing year after year. This year was a change, but was a very special Christmas morning. Having Sophia opened my eyes behind the true meaning of Christmas. She was glowing with excitement!!! She was around 14 months old and is starting to understand and explore her surroundings. The look on her face when she walked into our living room is something I will hold dear to my heart. Not only was this the first Christmas in Scott City, but my parents and sister came to help make my home a little more special. I am sure that I will cherish many more memories with my dear Sophia. I am one lucky lady!!!